¿Graphic Design?



This project focused on one question, “What is Graphic Design?” Easier asked than explained, as design covers so many medias, thought processes, form, and experiences. This was an academic project in partnership with Alex Reicher.


After much critical research and examination of the dilemma, we decided to focus on the mystical aspect of the design profession. The thought of the designer as a mystic is not a new ideal, one that Sal Lewitt theorized over 50 years ago.
One can relate the designer as a mystic to the Wizard from ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ The public make requests for the wizard to fulfill, though they have no idea how the Wizard does it or the process he takes. Many people have no idea how creatives work, what design is, or how it gets done. This accelerated the idea of the separation between client and designer. A client prompts a request and the designer either fulfills or denies that request, all the while the client remains oblivious to how it is achieved.

Role: Co-Designer & Co-Developer
Deliverables: Installation
James Worsham
Detroit :: Michigan